Student Ministry
During this critical phase of life, we want to partner with you and your student to help them discover how God made them for life with Jesus, in community, and on mission. Students are faced with new pressures, big decisions, and overwhelming questions. In the middle of that, our desire is to help them experience being fully alive in Jesus.
All middle school and high school programming takes place in the Pier 14 Student Center, located on the north side of the parking lot. At Pier 14, students have a place of their own to worship, learn, have fun, and build deep relationships with both mentors and peers. Upon arrival at Pier 14, you’ll be welcomed by volunteers who can show you around the facility and help your student find their place after checking in.
Sundays | 5:30pm-7:30pm | Pier 14 Student Center
We want your high schooler to explore what it means to be fully alive in Jesus--right here, right now. Students in 9th-12th grade will join a discipleship group with peers of their same grade and gender led by adult mentors who will help them discover how to live with Jesus, in community, and on mission during these important years. This weekly gathering is a mix of teaching, music, activities, questions, and service.
Sundays | 9:15 AM | Pier 14 Student Center
We want your child to discover a place to belong with strong friendships and wise mentors who will encourage and equip them in their journey to become fully alive in Jesus. Students in 6th-8th grade will participate in a service with teaching designed just for them, after which they will have time in a small group with peers of their same grade and gender, led by adult mentors who are passionate about helping students grow in their faith.

Connect with Us
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Summer events are a great chance for students from middle school through college to deepen their relationship with God and create connections with friends through fun experiences and opportunities to serve. Add these dates to your calendar for summer 2025!
Serve at VBS: June 3-6
CIY: June 16-20 (Upcoming freshmen through upcoming college freshmen)
Camp Allendale: Grades 2-8 from July 13-17; Grades K-2 from July 17-19
(High School students interested in serving at camp can contact Deric Skinner, High School Minister)
College Trip: July 29-August 5 (Upcoming college freshmen through seniors)