7:45am service cancelled due to weather. 9:15am & 10:45am services are available with full kids' programming.

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Thank you for giving!

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son...” - John 3:16

When we realize how generous God has been with us, we are eager to express our gratitude by showing that same generosity to those around us. Generosity with our time, talent, and treasure is one of the best indicators that the good news of Jesus has taken hold of our lives.

Wherever you are in your journey of generosity, just take the next step! Everything we have belongs to God, so as we trust Him with our finances, we experience the joy of being on mission with Jesus

We care about being open with our finances so you can trust that your gifts are being stewarded well. If you are curious how we are using what God has entrusted to us, please check out our annual report.

How can I give? 

  1. Online: With an existing Realm account
  2. Online: Without an account
  3. Text-to-Give: Text PCC and any amount to 73256 (example: PCC 50) 
  4. In person: You can place your gift in one of the giving boxes mounted in the wall. Boxes are located in the Worship Center lobby, in front of the Main Office, in the Children’s Center, and by Door 16.
  5. By Mail: You can give to Plainfield Christian Church by mailing a check to 800 Dan Jones Rd., Plainfield, IN 46168.



All good things are gifts from God, including our relationships, abilities, and possessions. Giving regularly of our time, talent, and money are all ways to give back to the One who has been so generous with us. We give because God has freely given!

Yes. Everything is fully secure and PCI compliant.

Yes, absolutely. You need to have a login. If you don't, you can do so here!

Create Login

No, you can give online or through text message without an account. The church will still have record of your gift and can provide you with a year-end statement. You will also receive an email receipt for each contribution.

Jill Stout, Financial Clerk, is always willing to provide one-on-one help with setting up online giving, making changes or stopping online giving. Click the button below to email Jill or call her at 317-707-3817.

Contact Jill Stout

You can give through either! However, giving through your bank account (ACH) is helpful to PCC because it does not charge the church a transaction fee.

Yes! Please contact Jill Stout, Financial Clerk, via email by clicking the button below, or call her at 317-707-3817 to set up a time to discuss your specific request.

Contact Jill Stout

  • Select the button above "Give with an existing login"
  • Sign in using your email address and password
  • Go to "Giving" on the left of the screen
  • Click on the "funnel" button and a window will expand
  • Change the “Gift Range Date” to Year to Date or Last Year to view the correct year
  • Click"filter" and your statement will appear on the screen
  • Click the Printer Icon
  • Click "Print" on the popup screen and follow the directions to print

Please Jill Stout if you have any questions! Help

Sunday Services at 7:45am; 9:15am; 10:45am
In-Person and Online

Plainfield Christian Church

800 Dan Jones Rd | Plainfield, Indiana 46168