7:45am service cancelled due to weather. 9:15am & 10:45am services are available with full kids' programming.

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Stories from Our Missionaries: Ojai, California

August 26, 2024 | Riley Weaver

[This is a story from Kyle Costello, one of our missionaries in Ojai, California.]

Moving is stressful. Whenever I ask someone about their favorite hobbies or activities, they never mention moving. If someone did, I might think they need to visit a doctor. I am no different, so when I uprooted my family to Ojai, California, in the summer of 2021, my focus was on the chore of moving and replanting new roots. Wouldn’t you know it, God was already waiting there. We emptied the U-Haul and set up beds and the very next morning as I brewed my first cup of coffee in our new house, God shifted my attention from moving to church planting.

 Ojai is a lot of things. It’s an incredibly beautiful valley, dotted with huge oak trees, citrus and avocado orchards, and mountains that surround it at almost every turn. It's visually attractive, but for a long time now, it's also attracted spiritual seekers. The Native Americans were the first to see something special about this valley. They believed it was an area where they could connect more intimately with their gods. Next, people from Asia and Europe moved here en masse to set up their own spiritual centers and schools. Finally, it has proven to be a destination for those seeking wisdom in occult practices and a home for all things “new age.”

Ojai has held a unique fame for many years now, but it has never been famous for Jesus.

 From the beginning, it didn’t go as I would have planned. Isn’t that usually the case when God is leading? About six weeks after our move, I suffered a head injury. This triggered issues from past head injuries and sidelined me for about five months. My family--beautiful wife Joy, sons Isaiah (11) and Malachi (7)-- all experienced specific and intense spiritual attacks. We quickly shifted from a "Let's go plant a church" mentality, to urgent prayers for physical and spiritual health.

 I’m someone who prefers to move quickly and efficiently, but God made it clear that this time we would follow His timeline. Dealing with my head injury and the spiritual battles we were facing caused us to slow down, keep our eyes on the day-to-day, trust others for prayer, and let God tell us how each next step of this journey was going to go.

 As healing came, our attention turned back to planting the new church. In calling us to Ojai, God spoke loud and clear, but it was also just us as a family. We had previously planted a church in 2010, but at that time we had 30 people who God had sent along with us. This time, it was just us. As we moved forward, He started to provide partners and people in ways we could have never imagined. People like you all! When a church like Plainfield Christian Church says yes to supporting a church plant, I can’t tell you how encouraging it is!

As God provided the partners, staff, and building, He also drew individuals interested in the church. One of the first people was a man who had very recently lost his wife to cancer. He had been praying for revival in Ojai for many years. He felt God specifically tell him to join us as we welcomed anyone and everyone to hear the message of Jesus. Even in his grief, his eagerness, generosity, and kindness uplifted and encouraged me each time we were together. He was in a season where no one would have blamed him for taking a break or making excuses, yet he did the opposite and poured into others.

 God kept speaking to me through people like him. I grew up in the Mormon faith. I was taught that you always have to earn it. It’s always up to you. I left that faith long ago, but at times, I still catch myself thinking it's all up to me. God kept using this season to show me that His grace is something I can receive every day, and He gives it freely without me having to earn it in any way.

We launched the church in September of 2023. It's almost our first birthday! We started with not one person outside our family and now see over a hundred people every Sunday. We are in the midst of a valley where very few know Jesus and most are actively rejecting Him, yet God keeps bringing people through our church doors. We have also been able to baptize twenty people in one year!

We live in a valley where evil is fighting hard to maintain its foothold, but if these last three years have taught me anything, it's that even though my mind can’t comprehend what is possible, God is always at work and nothing is impossible with Him. And I am absolutely certain that one day, Ojai will be famous for Jesus.


Sunday Services at 7:45am; 9:15am; 10:45am
In-Person and Online

Plainfield Christian Church

800 Dan Jones Rd | Plainfield, Indiana 46168