Krista Troupe, our Early Childhood Minister, shares her experience serving with TCM International in Austria.
Over the last 2.5 weeks, my husband Kyle and I have had the opportunity to serve with one of our global impact partners, TCM International Institute, as they respond to the war in Ukraine. We have been serving at TCM’s large training facility called Haus Eldeweiss in Heligenkruez, Austria. TCM has been a source of financial support, ministerial support, and a place of refuge for those seeking a place to lay their head in the midst of much suffering and chaos. Because of the years and years of effort TCM has put in to establishing a network of pastors throughout eastern and central Europe, they are uniquely positioned to actively help those affected by the war in Ukraine.

Heligenkruez, Austria
During our short time here so far, we have had the opportunity to hear the stories of several people affected by the war. One of the most recent stories we were able to hear came from our sister in Christ and co-minister of the gospel Yulia. Yulia has deep ties with TCM and has not only been a student and a translator on staff at TCM, but has also been a professor. Yulia and her father are from Ukraine and were shocked when they first heard the war had begun. As the days carried on, they were anxious and unsure of what the future would hold, but they were confident that our God would lead them and protect them.
They continued to stay in their homes, not going to work, and avoiding too many trips out, as the sound of shelling and threat of harm was imminent and affecting those around them.
Quickly, their city became occupied, and they were offered transportation out of the city by a friend of a friend, knowing this was God’s provision to lead them to safety. Not only did God orchestrate their exit from Ukraine, he provided them an open invitation for work and housing at TCM’s Haus Eldeweiss.
While their future plans and the future of the war is still uncertain, we know our God is constant and faithful to provide. This opportunity to serve an organization that supports brothers and sisters in Christ, like Yulia, in the midst of such painful circumstances has been an incredible opportunity to see the greatness of our God. He is active and working through TCM, his church, and his people to bring healing and redemption for those suffering in pain.