7:45am service cancelled due to weather. 9:15am & 10:45am services are available with full kids' programming.

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Fully Alive with Jesus

November 16, 2023 | Luke Proctor

What if there was more to life than what you’ve been settling for?

Jesus said that if you follow anyone or anything else, it will leave you empty and unfulfilled. But if you follow him, Jesus says: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

God’s desire, and ours, is to help you become fully alive in Jesus.

As a church leadership, our calling is to help you follow Jesus as part of the Plainfield Christian Church family. Right now, if you asked 500 people what it means to be a disciple of Jesus at Plainfield Christian, you’d get 500 different answers. Our desire is to bring clarity and alignment to every person and ministry at Plainfield Christian so that we can follow Jesus more faithfully together.

This is not a vision for an organization, but a vision for discipleship. Why? Because if you build a church, you will sometimes get healthy disciples. But if you build disciples, you will always get a healthy church. So, what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus at Plainfield Christian Church?

Simply put, it means becoming fully alive in Jesus. So, what does it mean to be fully alive in Jesus?

Three things: Life with Jesus. Life in Community. Life on Mission.

Those concepts may sound clever, but we actually didn’t invent them. Jesus did.

Life with Jesus? Jesus himself said the most important commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)

Life in Community? Jesus said the second most important commandment is to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31)

Life on Mission? Jesus commanded his followers to “...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

All of the “new” things that come with this--phrases, websites, logos, etc.--are simply temporal tools to lead us deeper into these eternal truths.

Whether you are brand new to faith or you’ve been in church your whole life--if you’re 9 years old or 99 years old--our desire for you is the same. We want to help you become fully alive--with Jesus, in community, on mission.

We are thrilled to see how God will work in your life as we embark on this journey together to become fully alive in Jesus. I bet it will be better than we ever imagined.


Sunday Services at 7:45am; 9:15am; 10:45am
In-Person and Online

Plainfield Christian Church

800 Dan Jones Rd | Plainfield, Indiana 46168